Joel Paul ReisigBio
For the past fifteen years I have made my living as an independent movie producer, with over thirty credits producing feature films.  I’ve secured worldwide distribution through Walmart, Amazon, Netflix, Hallmark, Lifetime, Icon, Redbox, and theatrical deals with Universal Studios.  My films have been translated into multiple languages and sold overseas.

I have been flown to Atlanta, New Mexico, Chicago, LA, and Toronto, Canada to teach my Be Your Own Hollywood seminar, a two-day seminar on the business of the film business.  I teaching others how to raise financing for film and secure distribution.

In short, I’m a guy who knows this business and I’m here to protect you from being ripped off by it.

Why did I start Honest Sales Agency?
I’ve always told everyone, if you get mugged on the street on your way to American Film Market, you’re probably going to lose less money then you would to the white-collar criminals inside.  Most sales agents and distributors exist by conning you into signing a bad contract and legally stealing your movie.  Two years later, they tell you that your movie did not make money.  This is almost never true.  Your movie made money for them!  Your movie made money for their friends who they hired to “fix” your film at outrageous rates!  Your movie made money for the various platforms who they sold it to!  You are the only person who your movie did not make money for.  You, the person who had all the creative ideas, who put in all the work, who took all the risk.  You are the only one that your movie did not make money for.  And you know what?  These sales agents and distributors do not give a damn!  They stole your ideas and labor and they made money.  I’ve been in this business for 15 years.  I’ve seen it time and again.  Good people who get beaten down until they can’t stand to be in this industry anymore.  It isn’t right, and I’m here to make sure that it does not happen to you.

Submit your finished feature film by sending a trailer and poster to